These are the products I tank mix to spot spray common weeds in my lawn about once a month (primarily in spring and fall). Results are fast and very effective, especially on clover, dandelion, and other broadleaf weeds.

Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Celsius WG Herbicide

CELSIUS WG Herbicide is a postemergent foliar-applied herbicide containing three active ingredients that provide a broad spectrum of weed control. Celsius controls more than 120 annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses in warm-season turf types, such as St. Augustinegrass, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass. Celsius herbicide is not labeled for use on cool-season grasses.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Tzone SE Broadleaf Herbicide

TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Tough Weeds is designed to provide broad-spectrum control of some toughest weeds on your turfgrasses. It contains a combination of active ingredients Triclopyr, Sulfentrazone, 2, 4-D and Dicamba acid which offers multiple modes of action in controlling hard-to-kill weeds. It guarantees excellent post-emergent control as well as cool-weather performance to ensure effective elimination of troublesome weeds such as black medic, ground ivy, wild violet, wild blackberry, oxalis, aster, bindweed, chickweed, catnip, dandelion, hawkweed, poison ivy, and more.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Hi-Yield 41% Glyphosate Weed and Grass Killer

Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer is a curative liquid concentrate herbicide that controls various broadleaf weeds and other noxious plants that are susceptible to its active ingredient. Perfect to use in drainage ditch banks, pastures, lawns, on-crop areas, ponds, and on turfgrass in lawns, cemeteries, golf courses, parks, and other grassy places. It is best applied during warm weather on established lawns when weeds are actively growing. Proven to control broadleaf weeds such as nettle, plantains, alder, poison ivy, bitterweeds, elderberry, chickweeds, ground ivy, sumac, honeysuckle, water lily, wild onion, and wild carrot. For more better results, some species like perennial sowthistle, blue lettuce, bindweed, bur ragweed, and Canada thistle may require more than one application. Note that restrictions may apply to aquatic weed control in your area. Make sure not to apply when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit or winds exceed 15 mph.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Quinclorac 75 DF

Quinclorac 75 DF is a water-soluble selective post-emergent herbicide that kills broadleaf weeds and grasses in tolerant turf species. Used as a post-emergent, this crabgrass killer herbicide controls many broad-leaf and grass weeds in turf-grasses on commercial and residential grounds or lawns for homes, airports, athletic fields, golf courses, military and other institutions, parks, roadsides, schools, sod farms. Targets: Crabgrass, Clover, Foxtail, Dandelion, Black Medic, English Daisy, Morningglory, Dollarweed, Speedwell, Torpedograss, Kikuyugrass, Barnyardgrass, Bindweed, Signalgrass, Violet.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Fusilade II Herbicide

Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental herbicide is a selective post-emergent herbicide that controls a long list of perennial and annual grass weeds in turf and landscaped areas. Not only is Fusilade II fast and effective, but it can be applied as a spot treatment or an over the top application without damaging ornamental plants. It can also be used to remove bermuda grass from tall fescue and zoysia grass when used at reduced rates. Fusilade II can stand up to rain after only 1 hour of application.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Hi Yield Triclopyr Ester

Use HI-YIELD Triclopyr Ester previously known as Turflon Ester Ultra herbicide for the control of actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and kikuyugrass in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or tall fescue ornamental turf including these turfgrasses in golf courses. It will suppress Bermuda grass.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

SedgeHammer+ Herbicide

SedgeHammer + Herbicide kills nutsedge without injury to turfgrass, established ornamentals, shrubs, and/or trees. SedgeHammer + provides post-emergence control of both purple nutsedge and yellow nutsedge. SedgeHammer + also controls many broadleaf weeds and suppresses kyllinga. Nutsedge is controlled after emergence in cool and warm season turf grasses such as St. Augustinegrass, Bermudagrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, tall and fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass. Sedgehammer + is considered one of the more 'gentle to turfgrass' nutsedge killers and pets and people can return to the treated area once the spray dries. The “+” (plus) in SedgeHammer + indicates that it already contains a surfactant, so it is not necessary to use any additional products. One 13.5 gram packet will treat 1,000 sq. ft.

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Jimmy Lewis Jimmy Lewis

Hi-Yield 2, 4-d Selective Weed Killer

Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer is a curative liquid concentrate herbicide that controls various broadleaf weeds and other noxious plants that are susceptible to its active ingredient. Perfect to use in drainage ditch banks, pastures, lawns, on-crop areas, ponds, and on turfgrass in lawns, cemeteries, golf courses, parks, and other grassy places. It is best applied during warm weather on established lawns when weeds are actively growing. Proven to control broadleaf weeds such as nettle, plantains, alder, poison ivy, bitterweeds, elderberry, chickweeds, ground ivy, sumac, honeysuckle, water lily, wild onion, and wild carrot. For more better results, some species like perennial sowthistle, blue lettuce, bindweed, bur ragweed, and Canada thistle may require more than one application. Note that restrictions may apply to aquatic weed control in your area. Make sure not to apply when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit or winds exceed 15 mph.

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