Yard Mastery 17-7-6 Freedom Lawn Fertilizer
This is America’s lawn fertilizer. Made in America, for Americans, and their American lawns - For all grass types - from sea to shining sea.
The green shade FREEDOM brings is different from our other ferts. It’s not “forest green” and certainly not “lime green” - but it’s also not that “blue green” that many of you are accustomed to.
Instead, it’s FREEDOM Green. A green that is so deep and rich, it’s glory flows like fireworks against a night sky on the 4th of July.
These 18lb and 45lb bags contain a 17-7-6 analysis plus micronutrients and are spiked with Bio-Nite to stimulate microbial activity in the soil. If you’ve been using standard “16-4-8” fertilizers and having good success, FREEDOM 17-7-6 makes a nice changeup in lawn diet.
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